In recognition of scientific and technological contributions to electrical engineering through the development of several methods for the sensetivity analysis of dynamic systems with respect to parameter variations establishment of the concept of comparison sensitivity matrix that captures the effect of feedback on altering the influence of parameter variations on system output errors in multivariate feedback system and the maintenace of system optimality for a range of parameter values even when the feedback control structures is fixed.
Birthdate: 17 September 1932
Educational Background:
- B.S. Electrical Engineering - University of the Philippines, Quezon City - 1953
- S.M. Electrical Engineering - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA - 1956
- Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering - University Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA - 1959
Honor and Awards:
- 1980 - Elected Member, National Academy of Engineering (USA)
- 1994 - Recipient, Richard E. Bellman Control Heritage Award, American Automatic Control Council (AACC)
- 1989 - elected Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
- 1972 - Recipient, Curtis W. McGraw Research Award, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
- 1989 - Recipient, IEEE Richard M. Emberson Award
- 1981 - Recipient, Halliburton Engineering Education Leadership Award
- 1983 - Distinguished Member, IEE Control Systems Society
- 2012 - Academician - National Academy of Science and Technology