Dr. Alvin B. Culaba is recognized for his pioneering and significant contributions in the area of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) theory and applications, renewable energy systems and alternative energy and cleaner production and technology. He developed a diagnostic model for the assessment of green productivity of manufacturing processes and utilized the LCA methodology in the analysis of biofuels as alternative transportation fuel which helped in the formulation of the Philippine Biofuels Act of 2006.
Birthdate: 9 July 1962
Research Interest:
- Lifecycle Assestment theory and applications
- Renewable energy systems and alternative energy
- Cleaner Production and Technology
Honor and Awards:
- 1997 - 2007 - Jose M. Reyes Distinguished Chair of Mechanical Engineer Awards - De La Salle University
- 1999 - 2006 - University Faculty Research and Publication Awards - DLSU-URCO
- 2000 - Member - The Philippine American Academt of Science and Engineering
- 2004 - Eminent Scientist - United Nations Economic and Social Council in Asia and the Pacific
- 2004 - NAST Outstanding Scientific Paper Awards - National Academyo of Science and Technology
- 2005 - Visiting Professorship - Chung Ju National University
- 2006 - NAST Outstanding Scientific Paper Awards - National Academyo of Science and Technology
- 2006 - University Fellow - De La Salle University
- 2007 - Visiting Professorship - National Tsing Hua University
- 2008 - Best Research Paper for Engineering and Industrial Research - National Research Council of the Philippines
- 2008 - Academician - National ACademy of Science and Technology