In recognition of her outstanding works and accomplishments in the fields of Public Administration, Political Science and Sociology which spanned a range of issues and approaches in development studies from rural to urban development, from local autonomy to national governance, from bureaucratic corruption to the imperatives of the civil service, and from participatory development models and approaches to a focus on the elite.
Birthdate: 22 April 1942
Died: 12 June 2009
Educational Background:
- B.A Public Administration (cum laude) - University of the Philippines 1961
- Master of Arts Political Science - University of Hawaii 1964
- Ph. D. Sociology - Indiana University 1970
Research Interest:
- Bureaucracy
- Development and Democracy
- Ethics and Corruption
- Sociology Development
- Administration of Social Development
Most important studies done:
- Bureaucracy for Democracy: Dynamics of Executive Bureaucracy Interaction during Governmental Transitions
- Administrative Accountability: A Review of the Evolution, MEaning and Operationalization of a Key Concept in Public Administration
- Bureaucratic Corruption in Asia: Causes, Consequences and Controls
- Increasing Social Access to Basic Services
- Integration, Participation and Effectiveness: An Analysis of the Operation and Effects of Five Rural Health Delivery Mechanisms
Honors and Awards Received:
- 1961 - Cum Laude - University of the Philippines
- 1964 - Scholarship Grantee - University of Hawaii
- 1963 - Research Fellow - Amercan Society for Public Administration
- 1964 - Recipient, East West Center Award for Academic Excellence in Political Science
- 1970 - Fellow - Consortium of Midwest Universities
- 1970 - Fellow - University of the Philippines-Ford Foundation Faculty Development Award
- 1977 - Recepient, U.P. Annual Research Award
- 1981 - Holder of Professional Chair in Public Administration - Commission on Audit
- 1981 - Outstanding Alumnus - Union High School of Manila, Philippine Christian Colleges
- 1981 - Senior Editor and Author for Gintong Aklat (Golden Book) Award for excellence in technical book category
- 1991 - First Rafael M. Salas Professor of Public Administration
- 1993 - Lifetime Achievement AWard in the Social Sciences - National Research Council of the Philippines
- 1994 - Outstanding Alumna - PHilippine Christian Univertsity
- 1995 - Academician - National Academy of Science and Technology
- 2002 - Outstanding Scholar-Administrator - NCPAG - UP
- 2004 - Certificate from Inter Agency Council
- 2004 - Plaque of Recognition - Association of Schools of Public Administration of the Philippines