In recognition of his exemplary contribution to the advancement of scientific knowledge, which transcends disciplines in animal science, namely, animal nutrition and feed management systems, rumen microbiology, reproductive biotechnology, meat science, and wildlife biology and conservation. His leadership skills have been widely recognized by professional scientific societies. He served as president of the Philippine Society of Animal Science and the Philippine Society of Animal Production Societies. Notably, as executive director, he steered the Philippine Carabao Center to become a more pragmatic research and development institution, utilizing science, technology, and innovations in engaging all stakeholders of the carabao industry value chain, particularly smallholder farmers, toward improved productivity and profitability.
Birthdate: 25 October 1960
Educational Background:
- B.S Agriculture - University of Philippines Los Baños 1983
- M.S Ruminant Nutrition - University of Philippines Los Baños 1988
- Ph.D Ruminant Nutrition - University of Philippines Los Baños 1993
Research Interest:
- Ruminant Nutrition
- Animal Science
- Animal Production
Honors and Awards Received:
- 2017 - PSAS Distinguished Fellow - Philippine Society of Animal Science
- 2016 - Distinguished ALumni for Animal Nutrition and Production - College of Agriculture Alumni Association
- 2014 - Scientist I - Scientific Career Council, National Academy of Science and Technology
- 2014 - Twenty-Year Service Award - Philippine Society of Animal Nutrionists
- 2010 - Oustanding Center Director - Philippine Carabao Center-DA
- 2010 - PSAS Best Paper in Production and Processing - Philippine Society of Animal Science
- 2010 - PSAS Best Paper in Socio-Economics - Philippine Society of Animal Science
- 2006 - PSAS Best PAper in Undergraduate Thesis Category - Philippine Society of Animal Science
- 2000 - Outstanding Young Scientist Award - National Academy of Science and Technology
- 1993 - Outstanding Published Paper Award - National Academy of Science and Technology
- 1990 - Best Paper of the Year Award - Philippine Society of Animal Science